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Monday, August 20, 2007

mobile games

Mobile Games are widely popular nowadays, as younger generation has been very much interested in playing games with the support of their mobile. They are nothing but video games played on your mobile phone. Recently introduced mobiles have come with animated games to entertain the users in multiple ways. Most of the games have been featured with real sound effects. When you play them, you may have a real effect of playing them. It is important to make use of certain communicational options like MMS, SMS or GPRS.

Most of the leading mobile manufacturers have embedded some interesting games at the time of manufacturing itself. When you do not get satisfied with those in-built games, you may download your favourite games through the Internet. There are some free mobile games are offered by certain websites. The other way of getting advanced games in your mobile phone is through the infrared feature. It is simple to get interesting games from Bluetooth which is nothing but a wireless connection.

Usually most of the mobile games have been downloaded through the radio network of the concerned operators. Platforms are very essential to develop mobile games. Java was the only platform for most of the mobile games. Some of the widely popular platforms are listed below:

• Windows Mobile

• Palm OS

• Symbian OS

• DoCoMo's DoJa

• Macromedia's Flash Lite

• WIPI etc.

Some of the high end mobile phones have colour screens to improve the quality of the games. Now there is possibility to enjoy even 3G graphics in some mobile games. Certain mobile games can be played with the support of localization technology. Those games have known as location based games. GPS is also an example of location based games.

Mobile games do have its limitations. The user will not get the complete information regarding the rules and method of playing the game in details.



At 5:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea I do agree... specially when these r free... there is nothin like that...

I happened to explore some of free games at

3D Golden Warrior
Attack Mission - Atlantic Harbour
Blit Space Disco
Burning Skies
Street Soccer 2
Jexter and the flying carpet
Shade Of Eldin
Formula Micro
Canny Punky


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